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I'm Not Perfect!

by Deborah Ann Belka

Sorry, but I am not perfect,
I know you think I should be
and you don't want to hear
that Jesus has forgiven me.

Sorry, but I am not perfect,
there's lots left for God to do
and it's going to take some time
for His image to shine through.

Sorry, but I am not perfect,
I have taken a lot of missteps
but every day I am striving
to walk in His footsteps.

Sorry, but I am not perfect,
you can judge me all you like
call me a fraud and a phony
but there's no way we're alike.

Sorry, but I am not perfect,
for the narrow way is straight
and at times I wandered off it
for I was lured by Satan's bait.

Sorry, God knows I'm not perfect,
I'm sorry we have different views
but you'll never know what it takes
until you walk one day in my shoes!

Matthew 7:2

"For with what judgment ye judge, ye
shall be judged: and with what measure
ye mete, it shall be measured to you

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