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by Jeff Bidiman

Triumphantly the sun descends
In a flourish of color and light.
Wrapping its robes around itself,
Blazing beyond my sight.

While wispy tails of orange and red
Trail after the sinking sun,
Quietly, unceremoniously,
The ties of night are undone.

A sable carpet slowly unrolls
From the depths of Eastern skies,
And in between both day and night,
A star appeals my eyes.

All around that shiny star
Is a ribbon of purpling blue,
Then I recall The Saviors words,
"Lo, I am always with you."

A feeling of peace comes over me
Under the wonder of this night.
Enfolded in the shades of sunset;
Yet filled with Heaven's light.

This poem was a finalist in the March 2009 poetry contest

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