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The Lighthouse

by Deborah Ann Belka

The beacon's light has faded,
the foghorn is now but mute
the lighthouse stands alone
on the hill of ill-repute.

Silenced now, from the left,
the warning sounds no more
the lighthouse is in the dark
upon this nation's shaken shore.

Once a beam unto the world,
a responsibility we all shared
now these once godly people
are intimidated and too scared.

In the past we stood in honor,
to the God in whom we trust
now we offend and discriminate
when the truth on them we thrust.

The church once held the beacon,
in the palm of its blessed hand
but now it doesn't know how to
take a bold and daring stand.

It's time to wake up the masses,
and shine His light on the grime
for to hold back the Gospel's truth
is a spiritual sin and crime.

To tell you the honest truth,
I don't mind if someone I offend
for I rather be a foghorn
and help put this darkness to an end!

Matthew 5:14

"You are the light of the world.
A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden

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