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Come Dine With Me

by Deborah Ann Belka

Come and dine with Me,
sit at my banquet table
come and feast on Me
let Me be your dining staple.

Come have a taste of Me,
My flesh is good for you to eat
come and let Me nourish you
for there is no better meat.

Come and drink of Me,
My blood will satisfy your thirst
come and let Me fill you up
and in Me you'll be immersed.

Come and feed upon Me,
for I am the Bread of Life
come and sip from My cup
for I am the end to all strife.

Come and I will bless you,
let Me fill you with My grace
come and sit right next to Me
for in Me there is no disgrace.

Come all you who are hungry,
come all who thirst away
let Me fill you with My mercy
on this My Resurrection Day!

John 6:56

"He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh
my blood, dwelleth in me,and I in him."

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