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Be Still And Know

by Janet Martin

Be still and know that I am God,
I plan the pathway that you trod,
I paint the trees that mark the trails
Where fleet deer rests and coyote wails,
I touch the clouds with coral hues
And brush with gold the clear, clear blues,
Then as the night-shades softly fall
I wrap you with a starry shawl

Be still and know that I am God
I plan the pathway that you trod,
I guide the laughing brooks that play
Beneath the weeping willows sway,
I watch the minnows as they race
Within its bubbling, trickling pace,
I ruffle all the fern and flowers
Gracing shores and leafy bowers

Be still and know that I am God,
I plan the pathway that you trod,
I plan the hills and valleys too,
And promise that I'll see you through
The winds that taunt the shifting sail,
The whispering breeze, the strongest gale,
The storms that toss you where you stand,
I hold them all within My hand

Be still and know that I am God,
I plan the pathway that you trod,
I plan the beauty and the pain,
The bright sunshine and driving rain,
Without life's hills you would not see
The blessing I have planned for thee
So as with faith this path you trod,
Be still and know that I AM GOD

This poem was a finalist in the March 2009 poetry contest

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