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Crucifixion Song

by Janet Martin © 2009

See Him there twixt earth and sky,
The Son of God about to die,
Upon a cross for all to see
While hatred screams her victory,
Love and hate, hope and fear,
Set to fight its battle here,
Who will lose and who will win?
Who will conquer power of sin?
As hatred raises up her cry
To curse the One about to die,
A voice rings out across the fields
As to death His Spirit yields


It is finished, it is done,
With these words the battle's won,
See the power of God's own son
As death and victory become one,
Death and victory! How can be?
Death of one means life for me!
Saved at last from Adam's fall,
Death of One- life for all

The Son of God is lifted high,
See Him there twixt earth and sky,
Upon a cross for all to see
His death for our victory,
Here is hope for all our fear,
Here is perfect love so dear,
Everlasting life in death,
Victory reigns with His last breath,
Hallelujah, how can it be?
That One so great should die for me,
Perfect love! Will you receive
His gift of grace? Will you believe?


All his suffering bears no loss,
Signed and sealed upon the cross,
For nothing here that I can do
Could earn eternal life with You,
Eternal life, will you receive
His gift of grace? Will you believe?
Hallelujah, Lord receive
Me. Hallelujah, I believe,
Paid in full upon that tree,
His sacrifice to set us free,
Hallelujah, how can it be?
God's perfect Son would die for me


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