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He Lives

by Janet Martin © 2009

What a cold, cold, night, what a dark, dark day,
What a lost, lost world watched His life ebb away,
What a starless night, what a flowerless field,
When Jesus His will to the Father did yield

But, what glory in Heaven, hark, hear their glad cries,
As Jesus is welcomed to sweet paradise,
How the heavens re-sound and re-echo again,
For they'll never stop singing their triumphant refrain

He lives, He lives, our King of kings,
He has defied death's cruelest sting,
He lives, He lives, God's only Son
Will reign forever on Heaven's throne

What broken hearts, what hopeless tears,
As loved ones watched His hour draw near,
What an empty world left to decay
As the Giver of life is passing away


What a holy night, what a glorious day
When our earthly toils are thrown away,
Free forever from pain and care,
We'll rise to meet Him in the air

Then what glory in Heaven, hark, hear our glad cries,
As by Jesus we're welcomed to sweet paradise,
How the heavens will ring and re-echo again
For we'll never stop singing our triumphant refrain

He lives, He lives, our King of kings,
He has defied death's cruelest sting,
He lives, He lives, God's only Son
Will reign forever on Heaven's throne

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