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Who Took My Place?

by Janet Martin © 2009

Bound by sins dark chains
Condemned and doomed stood I
No chance of hope to gain
As Justice raised her cry
"Only, only death for thee
No hope, no hope to be set free,"
But then came One with head bowed low
He said to Justice "let her go"
Oh, who is this who took my place?
With crimson teardrops on His face

The King of kings and Lord of lords
No higher title could there be
When Justice raised her angry sword
Someone took my place for me
Oh, my Lord, who could he be?
Who cared enough to set me free?
I raised my head to hear these words
The King of kings and Lord of lords

I fell upon the ground
As Justice screamed her plea
No reason could be found
That I should be set free
"Guilty, guilty," was her cry
Her lone verdict "she must die,"
But then came One with head bowed low
He said to Justice "let her go"
Tell me tell me who could this be
Who would take my place for me?

The King of kings and Lord of lords
No higher throne will ever be
To describe, there are no words
To paint this holy deity
King of kings and Lord of lords
Oh my Savior can it be
The King of kings and Lord of lords
Who paid my debt to set me free?

King of kings and Lord of lords
The best that ever there will be
The King of kings and Lord of lords
Has paid the price to set me free

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