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I'll Settle For More

by Janet Martin © 2009

There's so much talk, it seems, these days
'Bout settling for less,
It's time to change or find new ways,
New roads to happiness,
So people frown and people sigh
As they contemplate
What they must do to just 'get by',
Or help their sorry state

But I am not about to fold
Nor do I feel inclined
To settle for less as I get old
So I've made up my mind
Instead of less I'm having more!
Now don't you judge my greed,
But I'll 'set by' a little store
To satisfy my need

So Lord, I'm asking You today
For just a little more,
Increase my lot, Dear Lord I pray,
Unlike You have before…..
….More love I need for fellow-men
Who scorn me to my face,
More compassion Lord, and then
More humbleness and grace

More faith when I can hardly see,
More hope within my night,
More trust that You are here with me
Within my thickest fight
More time to spend with You alone,
More hunger for Your word,
More letting of Your will be done
Surrendering to You, Lord

Less of me and more of Thee,
Hear me Oh Lord, I pray,
Help me desire Lord, to be
More like You each day,
More gentle, meeker, kinder too,
More ready to obey,
More and more and more like You,
This is my need today

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