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"It Is Finished"

by Deborah Ann Belka

"It is finished"
words of agony from His lips
"It is finished"
no greater love will again eclipse.

"It is finished"
these words Jesus once said
and for the sins of the world
His soul hemorrhaged and bled.

"It is finished"
but what really had just begun
was that grace and forgiveness
were bought, for all by God's Son.

"It is finished"
and for you it can be a new start
if you repent of your every sin
and give Jesus your whole heart.

"It is finished"
Jesus died so that you'd be free
and His death on the cross
should take your soul to it's knee.

"It is finished"
but it's not the end of the story
not until the day all of mankind
will stand before God's full glory.

"It is finished"
words of hope from Jesus' lips
"It is finished"
don't let His love for you eclipse!

John 19:30

"So when Jesus had received the sour
wine, He said, "It is finished!" And
bowing His head, He gave up His spirit."

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