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Your Red Sea Will Part Too . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

One day, your Red Sea will part,
and you will walk right thru
one day, you will see God's plan
and all He has in store for you.

One day, He will lead you out,
and you'll be in the promised land
one day, you will come to understand
your times have been in His hand.

One day, He will send His light,
and you'll see His mighty power
one day, you will know He was
with you in your darkest hour.

One day, He will come to you,
and you'll be free at last . . .
one day, you will praise Him
for the things He brought to past.

One day, He will send His manna,
and you will be filled with peace
one day, your Red Sea will part
and your joy will never cease.

One day, you will look back,
and tell of your wilderness story
one day, you will be thankful
and you'll give God all the glory!

Exodus 14:21

"And Moses stretched out his hand over
the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to
go back by a strong east wind all that
night, and made the sea dry land, and
the waters were divided."

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