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Where's The Fruit?

by Deborah Ann Belka

If the fruit of the Spirit is love,
then where is it at the church?
I see so many believers there,
who leave other's in the lurch.

If the fruit of the Spirit is joy,
then where is it in people's life?
I see so many believers living,
in the misery of their strife.

If the fruit of the Spirit is peace,
then why is there so much conflict?
I see so many believers who act,
as if they're a contention addict.

If the fruit of the Spirit is longsuffering,
then where is the perseverance?
I see so many believers without any,
and are nothing but an interference.

If the fruit of the Spirit is gentleness,
then where are those who are kind?
I see so many believers who only care,
about what's on their own mind.

If the fruit of the Spirit is goodness,
then where is the generosity?
I see so many believers who don't know,
the meaning of true Christianity.

If the fruit of the Spirit is faith,
then why do we act like we have none?
I see so many believers who doubt,
all the things that Jesus has done.

If the fruit of the Spirit is meekness,
then where is all the humbleness?
I see so many believers who are,
too embarrassed by their lowliness.

If the fruit of the Spirit is temperance,
then why are so many out of control?
I see so many believers who can't see,
who to help or who they can console.

If the fruit of the Spirit is of God,
why aren't believers more sublime?
The last time I looked in the Bible,
to reap these fruits ~ is no big crime!

Galatians 5:22-24

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
meekness, temperance: against such there is
no law."

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