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Living Fully in Your Will/A Prayer

by Janet Martin © 2008

Each step I take, Lord, go before me,
Then I'll have no need to fear,
But only learn how to adore Thee
And to feel Your presence near,
So, if my wavering footsteps falter
Help me Lord, to follow still,
Laying all upon Your altar,
Meekly trusting in Your will

Calm my fear Lord, take my worry
With your power cast it out,
Replace my fear with trust and courage,
Place Your strength within my doubt,
Then each step will not be wasted
And Your calling I'll fulfill,
May I not rest until I've tasted
Living fully in Your will

Then should pain or loss or sorrow
In Your will come unto me,
I will have no need to borrow
From any source, my Lord but Thee,
So take my fear and useless worry
Never let me rest until
You have given me the courage
To live fully in Your will

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