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The Love-lined Face

by Janet Martin © 2009

Oh, the love-lines on her face,
Time has left its tender trace,
Subtle touches on her brow,
In life's ceaseless ebb and flow,
Some folk dare to call them wrinkles,
I say they are Heaven's twinkles,
Living proof of a full life
As a mother and a wife

The brow that furrows in concern
For those who from God's guidance turn,
The face that lifts to Him in prayer
Seeking strength for constant care,
The smile that lights the darkest soul
As from it glorious laughter rolls,
But also through life's loving years
The traces of a mother's tears

Oh, the love-lines on her face,
Who would dare try to erase
The beauty of a life well-spent,
Where time its tender touch has lent,
Oh, the smooth and flawless face,
I am sure it has its place,
But I say it can not compare
To my Mother's beauty fair

Yes, time has a subtle finger,
It will let its traces linger,
But there is nothing quite so fine
As a face full of love-lines,
Years will surely take their toll
But if God is in control
We'll trust the Hand who now is sketching
Faces full of life's sweet etching

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