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To Live In The Spirit

by Deborah Ann Belka

When you live in the Spirit,
you will turn away from sin
you will pursue after holiness
with the power, you have within.

You'll produce a bunch of fruit,
as you amble throughout the day
when you live in the Spirit
joy and gladness will lead the way.

When you live in the Spirit,
love and faith will be in your stride
and the peace that God gives
you won't be able to screen or hide.

You'll be patient and you'll be kind,
you'll learn how to be meek
and all of God's tender mercies
you will actively pursue and seek.

When you live in the Spirit,
you'll have a genuine conversion
you will harvest from His Word
the truth about worldly perversion.

You will understand justification,
and the true meaning of His grace
when you live in and by the Spirit
you'll walk and run the faithful race!

Galatians 5:24-25

"And they that are Christ's have
crucified the flesh with the
affections and lusts. If we live in
the Spirit, let us also walk in the

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