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At The Foot of The Cross

by Deborah Ann Belka

Once, I was so dreadfully wrenched,
there was nothing good about me
I had falling into that bottomless pit
and made friends with the old enemy.

Satan took me to places I never dreamed of,
and all of his crafty lies I soon believed
he took away from me all that I had faith in
and his evil deceptions I gladly received.

Then the Lord began to open up my eyes,
and I saw I was living my life on hell's rim
so, He took me to the foot of the Cross
and told me to leave all my sins with Him.

As I knelt and confessed before Him,
His crimson blood dripped down on me
and all of the grime from my sinful past
Christ promised to no longer see.

As I rose and moved away from His feet,
I carried not one single burden with me
but I continue to let my past keep me humble
so that at the foot of the Cross - I'll always be!

Philippians 2:8

"And being found in appearance as a man,
He humbled Himself and became obedient
to the point of death, even the death
of the cross."

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