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A Humble Heart

by Deborah Ann Belka

Jesus, give me a humble heart,
teach me to have a meek attitude
take from me my selfish pride
fill my soul with everlasting gratitude.

Disrobe me of my self-importance,
strip from me conceit and arrogance
remove the smugness on my face
rip away any self-imposed relevance.

Cloth me in Your righteousness,
wrap me in Your truth and love
cover me with the Holy Spirit
bind me to our Father up above.

Jesus, give me a holy humbleness,
as I come to You at Calvary
take from me my self-centeredness
let humility bend my prideful knee.

James 4:6

"But He gives more grace. Therefore He
says: " God resists the proud, But
gives grace to the humble."

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