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Looking for Love

by Janet Martin © 2009

She hides in the closet and covers her ears
The darkness her solace to hide all the tears
While Mommy and Daddy are fighting and yelling
When can she be happy; there's really no telling?
As she whispers to no one and cries to the walls
"I just need someone to love me, that's all"
In that dank little corner, the darkness her cover
She can't help but wonder. Will anyone love her?
And she cries…..looking for love

With sad eyes she searches through the smoke and the gloom
A drunken hero lurches across the bar-room
Is he coming to see her, to tell her she's sweet?
Maybe he will take her to a room down the street
In the arms of a stranger, the darkness her cover
She'll risk all the danger; she needs someone to love her
She cries as she's thinking and hating her deed
She weeps as she's drinking and drowning her need
And she cries…..looking for love

She panics in fear for soon she will show
And people will sneer for her deed they will know
She weeps for the sorrow that grows in her womb
No hope for tomorrow, how loveless her doom
So she looks for an answer then heeds cold advice
That snuffs out the heart-beat with fingers of ice
She lies in a puddle of hatred and grief
Recalls how she'd huddle in the dark for relief
And she cries…..looking for love

Someone is standing in the door of a chapel
She sees they are handing out shiny red apples
Her deep inner hunger is a cold raging fire
She can wait no longer for her life-time desire
She's drawn to the door by this kind-hearted smile
But she's reaching for more than the fruit on a pile
As she gazes in longing at the warm, tender face
Her search for belonging accepts love's embrace
And she cries…..looking for love

And now there is peace, there's a light in her gloom
A sweet, sweet release from her valley of doom
Some one has told her of a great God above
How He longs to hold her in His arms of love
Now she has a Father, a Savior and friend
Her searching is over as joyful tears blend
With tears of great sorrow for days of deep loss
But there's hope for tomorrow at Calvary's cross
And she smiles……for she has found love

This poem won first place for the May 2009 poetry contest

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