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by Janet Martin © 2009

The ark has been built, the door is ajar,
Someone beckons to all, from near and afar,
A solace, a shelter, a relief from life's storm,
He stands in the doorway and calls to us "come"

But carelessly the throngs hasten heedlessly by,
Who needs an ark when the weather is dry?
They scoff at the Captain with out-stretched arm,
But still He calls lovingly, patiently, "come"

Oh, can you not hear Him lovingly call,
"On my ark there is room for one and all",
But still they ignore Him, choosing to roam,
Stopping their ears at his pleading voice, "come"

"Come into my ark of safety today,
Oh precious one, do not turn away,
This day of grace will end in a storm,
Come into my ark, my dear children, come"

Still He keeps vigil at the open door,
Still He is pleading, still He implores,
His loving call is heard by some
As they reply, "I'll come, I'll come"

For one day soon that door will close,
When is that hour; nobody knows,
But now He waits with out-stretched arm,
Hear Him calling, calling, "come"

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