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I Turn The Page

by Janet Martin © 2009

Dear little baby, so precious and new,
Sent down straight from heaven, oh, how we love you,
So pure, so angelic at this innocent age,
Time moves on, I turn the page

Dear little child, how fast you are growing,
With sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks glowing,
You're so curious, so naughty, so sweet and so brave,
Time moves on. I turn the page

You're a young man or woman now, my how time flies,
May God give you purpose, may He make you wise,
Life beckons to you in your youthful age,
Time moves on, I turn the page

You're a daddy, a mama, so busy each day,
The hours are minutes as the years tick away,
You wish for discretion of a great, wise sage,
Time moves on, I turn the page

Your hair now is silver; your step is slow,
Days of childhood now seem long ago,
May God be your strength in this sunset age,
Time moves on, I turn the page

And gaze to the sky where sunsets are glowing,
Gates to a kingdom where someday I am going,
Where a day is forever and there is no age,
And time stands still… more turning of page

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