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There is a Time

by Janet Martin © 2009

There is a time to everything under the sun,
A time for laughter, joy and fun,
A time to stop and smell the flowers
And linger a little in those pleasant hours,
A time to treasure those blooms ere they whither,
And scatter their seeds far yon and thither,
A time to cherish the days as they fly,
A time for hello and a time for good-bye

There's a time to dance through sunny meadows,
And a time to bow humbly 'neath life's deeper shadows,
There's a time for youth and a time to be old,
A time to talk and a time to be told,
There's a time to endeavor and a time to resign
To the will of the One with the perfect design
To our blueprint of life, but I still question why,
As my teardrops fall and I whisper good-bye

There's a time for June and a time for December,
A time to make memories and a time to remember,
There's a time to meet and a time to part,
But dear are the memories deep in our heart,
So Lord, if I cling when it's time to let go,
Help me release my grasp, for I know
If our memories are sweet, our tears soon will dry
When it is time to say good-bye

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