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The Tea-pot on the Table

by Janet Martin © 2009

If the tea-pot on the table had a voice
If the roses in the rose-bowl had a choice
Then the tea-pot could tell stories and the roses they would cry
But they just sit there looking pretty at all the passers-by
Yes, they sit there looking pretty at all the passers-by

Oh, just look at that pretty porch, the gazing house-wife sighs
She envies lucky someone in that picture-perfect house
And aren't the roses lovely? exclaim the passers-by
They do not know if roses could, these roses they would cry
No, they do not know if roses could, these roses they would cry

It's a picture-perfect house tis true, but if the walls could talk
If windows could reveal the truth how folk would stand in shock
But those log walls they cannot talk and windows are not able
So passers-by admire the quaint tea-pot on the table
Yes, the passers-by admire the quaint tea-pot on the table

Broken hearts and angry words, ugly, bitter secrets
Fodder for the idle mind and meat for hungry gossips
Now and then the neighbors pause, then hurry on their way
And the tea-pot and the roses sure look pretty every day
Yes, the tea-pot and the roses sure look pretty every day

But God knows what the tea-pot knows and sees the ugly truth
He's reaching for the parents and the broken-hearted youth
God can heal, His love forgives and only He is able
For God sees past the roses and the tea-pot on the table
Yes God sees past the roses and the tea-pot on the table

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