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A Challenge

by Janet Martin © 2009

Have you heard those words we so often say?
Love isn't love 'til it's given away,
So, if we don't give back can we truly love
Our heavenly Father up above?
Can we bow before loves holy splendor?
And cry aloud Lord, I surrender,
Then claim salvation's gift so free
Yet not a chang-ed creature be?
Can we believe in freedom's price?
Behold the Lamb, love's sacrifice?
Walk on through love's open door,
Then still live like we did before?
Do we put his gift upon a shelf
So we may continue to live for self?
Can we truly believe and not be changed?
Nothing in our fickle lives re-arranged?
Can there be salvation without surrender,
I implore to you, dear heart so tender,
Let us not be foolishly deceived,
We WILL be changed if we truly believe,
For belief is not in simply the knowing,
What we believe will surely be showing
In the way we talk, the way we smile,
And gladly walk that second mile
For love believed is love recieved,
Nor can we receive if we do not believe,
True surrender is not in word, but in heart,
When Jesus is the whole, not just a part,
So, if the only language of love is give,
Then what we love shows in how we live,
So, if love isn't love til it's given away
Then this is the simple prayer I pray,
Lord, teach me to love, not in part, but the whole
And how to love You, mind, body and soul

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