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Ear Candy!

by Deborah Ann Belka

Once I gave to God,
nothing but ear candy
I'd tell Him everything
was just fine and dandy.

I told Him what I thought,
He would like to hear
I sugar-coated my feelings
in hopes to keep Him near.

I once gave to God,
nothing but sweet-talk
I kept things under wrap
careful not to squawk.

I thought I had Him fooled,
and that He didn't see . . .
between the sugary layers
the real sourpuss in me.

But, He saw thru the wrapping,
and looked into my heart
He knew that my malarkey
was keeping us apart.

So, He peeled off the pride,
that kept me covered tight
and opened up my mind
to the goodness in His light.

He filled me with His sweetness,
and took the sourness away
and that is why I can talk to Him
. . . about anything today.

Once I gave to God,
nothing but ear candy
but now it is full of praise
and to Him . . .
this is just fine and dandy!

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