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Straight Out of Hell

by Deborah Ann Belka

One day all you love,
everything you hold dear
will topple stone by stone
burying you in great fear.

You will see destruction,
like no other kind . . .
and you will never again
have peace of mind.

Soon there will be an end,
to all things as you know
and like a nomad . . .
you'll have nowhere to go.

The signs have been clear,
for years you have seen
so many fearful sights
coming onto the world scene.

Wars, famine, earthquakes,
nations fighting each other
crisis' here, disasters there
troubles across every border.

This is just the prelude,
to what is clearly ahead . . .
and it will fill your heart
with terror and true dread.

There is a day soon coming,
when the sun will turn red
as the Antichrist starts
his world-wide bloodshed.

The moon will turn dark,
the stars will fall from the sky
the heavens will stop rotating
all the waters will become dry.

There'll be distress all around,
confusion will cause hearts to fail
for the fear that's before them
looks like it's straight out of hell.

The world will be perplexed,
great nations will fall and tumble
there will not be left one soul
that can live and still be humble.

But, you needn't worry,
none of this will you have to see
but first you must repent of your sin
so that Jesus can set your soul free!

Luke 21:7

"And they asked him, saying, Master, but
when shall these things be? and what
sign will there be when these things
shall come to pass?"

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