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Text Message To God

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, I need to have a 121
as soon as possible
I wish we could meet F2F
but that would be impossible.

I need to talk to You PDQ,
as I need some direction
please answer me ASAYGT
with Your divine reflection.

I know You will get this MSG,
as soon as I send it off to You
I just need to get Your GA
with what You want me to do.

I guess I'll just have to W8,
until this message You see
this SLAP . . . is Ok by me
and I am sure You'll agree.

Thank You for Your POV,
for it won't steer me wrong
but please don't TMB
for this takes way too long!


Your BFF



121= One to One
F2F = Face to Face
PDQ = Pretty Darn Quick
ASAYGT = As Soon As You Get This
MSG = Message
GA= Go Ahead
W8= Wait
SLAP=Sounds Like A Plan
POV= Pont of View
TMB= Text Me Back
BFF= Best Friend Forever

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