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The Pit

by Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, I am in a pit,
a hole way too big
one that I believe
Satan helped to dig.

I don't know how,
or why I am in here
but it's fast becoming
my ditch of despair.

Lord, I know it's deep,
I am in over my head
it's filling up with fear
and all that I dread.

I believed I could plow,
my way out of it
but on my own . . .
I just dig a deeper pit.

It's pulling me under,
it's taking me down
Lord, please save me
take me to safe ground.

Lord, pull me out of,
this pit that I am in
fill it with Your power
so Satan will not win.

Then cover up the hole,
on the pit of my despair
seal it with Your hope
so my life You can repair.

Psalm 40:2

"He also brought me up out of a horrible
pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my
feet upon a rock, And established my

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