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The Word of Truth

by Deborah Ann Belka

He didn't say to go out in fear,
or to fret throughout your day
He didn't say to sit and worry
or to follow the anxious way.

He didn't say to lay your treasures,
in what this world has to offer
He didn't say to hide your riches
or to save them in a bank's coffer.

He didn't say He won't be there,
and that you would be all alone
He didn't say He didn't care
or that you would be on your own.

He didn't say to seek after lust,
or to have eyes like the greedy
He didn't say that you would lack
or be deprived, or poor, or needy.

He didn't say He would forsake,
and leave you high and dry
He didn't say He wouldn't hear
all your cries and your every sigh.

He didn't say any of these things,
so don't turn His Words around
just keep trusting in the Lord
and the truth that you've found!

1 Thessalonians 2:13

" For this reason we also thank God
without ceasing, because when you
received the word of God which you
heard from us, you welcomed it not as
the word of men, but as it is in truth,
the word of God, which also effectively
works in you who believe."

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