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Road Kill!

by Deborah Ann Belka

So often, we travel too fast,
on this road of believing
and we don't notice God
in all that we are seeing.

Fast lanes, fast planes,
quickly gets us there . . .
and where we are going
at times we don't really care.

We make so little effort,
to seek God along the way
and seldom recognize Jesus
as we go about our day.

We don't ask for directions,
for we have our own road map
and we are just too proud
to lay the route in God's lap.

On the road, on the fly,
we are constantly traveling
and we can't see that our faith
in the Lord is unraveling.

As the road starts to narrow,
we often take the wrong turn
and then we blame God . . .
when we crash and burn.

We go to Jesus for repair,
and He fixes up the dent
but we're not always thankful
for what is heaven sent.

So often we travel too fast,
and with God we aren't still
and our trust in Jesus. . .
ends up to be ~ just road kill!

"...though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool". - Isaiah 1:18

Psalm 46:10

"Be still, and know that I am God:"

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