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Heaven's Sand

by Deborah Ann Belka

Her heart was young and tender,
when mommy took her by the hand
and told her about Jesus
how through God - He became a man.

She told her about His life,
the special love He has for each child
about a home up in the heavens
where all the children do ~ is smile.

She told her when we get to heaven,
there would be not a tear
and the journey we take to get there
is not one that we should fear.

She explained heavens compassion,
how all our pain and hurt will end
how Jesus will welcome everyone
and become to all an eternal friend.

She told her about the mansions,
the rooms filled with girls and boys
and the fun they would have
where all they would feel is endless joy.

She told her there would be fields,
to run, and jump, and play
and that there would be no darkness
that God's love would shine like day.

She told her about the loved ones,
who already stand on heaven's shore
how they would meet us there
and with them we'd be forever more.

Her daughter shook her head,
as if she already knew . . .
that soon on heaven's shore
she would be standing too.

Her heart was young and tender,
when Jesus took her by the hand
and that night she knew her daughter
stood with Him on heaven's sand.

This poem won second place for the May 2012 poetry contest

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