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A Verse A Day

by Deborah Ann Belka

A verse a day keeps doubt away,
when you hide it in your heart
when you read from the Word
love and grace God will impart.

If your faith is to be strong,
the Word you must hear
it will instruct and teach you
how to say good-bye to fear.

In the Scriptures you'll find,
renewal for each new day
for it brings the soul comfort
as you study it and pray.

When you are being tempted,
quote the words of the Lord
and Satan will flee from you
for the Word is your sword.

The Word builds up trust,
when you apply it in your life
it brings to the weary soul
ways to overcome their strife.

Salvation's plan can be found,
throughout all of the Word
with the promise of eternal life
if you heed what you've heard.

A verse a day keeps sin away,
and God's wisdom He will impart
but first you must be willing . . .
to seek Him with all your heart.

Psalm 119:11

"Your word I have hidden in my heart,
That I might not sin against You."

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