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I'm Claiming My Birthright

by Deborah Ann Belka

I am claiming my birthright,
I'm going to have it certified
I am declaring my peace in God
I'm going to have it formalized.

I am claiming my forgiveness,
I'm going to change my ways
I am going to trust the Lord
with the rest of my living days.

I am claiming my inner healing,
I'm going to have a new heart
I am going to get rid of the things
keeping me and the Lord apart.

I am claiming my eternal hope,
I'm going to be filled with joy
I am going to rely on His Spirit
so His power I can employ.

I am claiming my birthright,
I'm going to assert my security
I am going claim my legal right
and His peace will be my surety.

Isaiah 26:3

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on thee: because
he trusteth in thee."

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