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If Only I Could

by Janet Martin

If only I could snap my fingers
And our cares would disappear,
If only with a stern command
I could calm all fear,
If only, with a heart-felt hug
I could erase the pain
Of the precious ones I love
So they'd be glad again,
If only, with a tender smile
I could turn wrongs to right
If only I could take back words
That I regret with all my might,
If only I could turn the tide
When dreams are washed to sea,
If only I could do all this
How happy I would be

But then I guess that I'd be God,
And this world would be Heaven,
Reality would not exist
And I'd waste all I've been given
Life would have nothing to teach me,
Its purpose all taken away,
If I had power to fulfill these wishes
Then I would never pray

If only I'd remember,
With my worries and my fear,
That there is One with arms wide open,
He longs to draw me near,
If only I'd remember
When I'm at my wits end
There's One who's waiting patiently,
An everlasting friend,
If only I'd remember
And if only I'd believe
That if I cast my cares on Him,
My burdens He'll relieve,
If only I would listen
When he whispers in my ear,
Then my regrets would be far less,
And fewer be my tears

But then I do remember
That His mercies never end,
In spite of all my failures
He's a constant, perfect Friend,
If I could fix life's problems
Then, I guess I'd never need
The One who promises to be
Our truest friend indeed

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