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Would We Believe?

by Janet Martin

If today the news reported the story of a babe,
Of One born in a stable and in a manger laid,
And if we heard of angels filling up the sky
Singing praise and glory to a great God up on high
Oh, would we believe it? Would we believe the story?
The promise of a Savior's birth, tidings straight from glory!
Would we believe tis Christ the Lord, just as the angels said?
Or would we stand in disbelief and simply shake our heads?

If today the news reported the story of a man
Who healed the sick and broken by a touching of His hand,
And if we heard the story how He made the blind to see,
The lame to walk, the dead to live, oh would we believe?
Oh, would we believe it, would we believe the story?
Or would we say tis rumor that a man descends from glory?
Would we believe tis Christ the Lord just as the angels said?
Or would we stand in disbelief and simply shake our head?

If today the news reported the story of someone
Who was tried in highest court because He said He was God's Son,
And if we heard the story of this cruel and unjust death,
How He in love, begged their forgiveness with his final dying breath,
Oh, would we believe it, would we believe the story,
That this at last IS Jesus Christ, God's Son, the King of glory?
Would we believe tis Christ the Lord just as the angels said?
Or would we stand in disbelief and simply shake our heads?

Would we believe the news today if head-lines everywhere
Reported He is risen and behold, His tomb is bare?
Oh, would we believe it, would we believe the story?
That this indeed is God's own son, the one true King of glory?
And oh, do we believe it, do we believe this story?
Of One who will return again to take His own to glory,
Do we believe He is God's Son just as the angels said?
Or do we stand in disbelief and simply shake our heads?

When we hear that last trumpet sound, then will we believe?
Fall upon the trembling ground; hope His love to receive,
Oh, will we then believe it, when we see his glory?
Too late, too late to tell Him I believe your wondrous story,
Will we then believe it when we see him in the air?
Surrounded by His glory with the angels 'round Him there,
Then will we believe it and in sorrow bow our head?
Too late, too late to see it all just as the angels said

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