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A Good Word

by Deborah Ann Belka

So many anxious hearts today,
so many with a heavy burden
so many needing a good word
so they can be unburdened.

So many fearful hearts today,
so many with a heavy load
so many needing a good word
so they can get down the road.

So many nervous hearts today,
so many with a heavy mind
so many needing a good word
so perfect peace they can find.

So many worried hearts today,
so many with a heavy thought
so many needing a good word
so they'll no longer be distraught.

So many troubled hearts today,
so many with a heavy soul
so many needing a good word
so many needing to be consoled.

So many anxious heats today,
so many with a heavy burden
so many needing the Good Word
so their lives ~ Jesus can unburden.

Proverbs 12:25

"Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him
down, but a good word makes him glad."

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