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The Broad Way

by Janet Martin

He roams about in beguiling disguise
A lion in garments bright
He's the deceiver, the father of lies
He's death as an angel of light
He'll tell you all that you wish to hear
To soothe your pricking heart
And with his wicked evil sneer
He's master of his art

With cunning skill he paints the path
That leads to Hell's destruction
His coaxing smile and hateful laugh
Disguises his abduction
And many a searching heart believes
This double-crossing fraud
While he entices he deceives
And leads away from God

He tells you that he'll fill your need
While setting death's dark snare
Each thirsting mind with subtle greed
He soothes with this world's fare
And oft maliciously he throws
Distractions on his way
For this cunning deceiver knows
How soon his glory fades

His poisoned rose is filled with dread
And venom is his wine
He plots to blur the road ahead
Distorts the finish line
So broad and spacious is his way
With gentle downward slope
Disillusion blooms and leads away
From One eternal Hope

This poem was a finalist in the August 2009 poetry contest

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