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When Our Cup is Empty

by Janet Martin

When our cup of joy is empty
When our lips are parched and dry
When our panting soul is thirsting
For sweet water from the sky
We are so tired and teary
In this barren desert land
Give us strength, though we are weary
To keep holding to Your hand

When we crave sweet satisfaction
As we view life's tempting fare
Designed for fool's distraction
Help us not to wander there
For persuasions from the devil
Will not be what they appear
Lord, keep our feet from evil
Do not let us wander near

But help us to raise up our hands
And glorify Your name
Across the deserts burning sands
We lift Your holy flame
The righteous man You will uphold
So onward we will march
Help us to be strong and bold
Although our lips are parched

From dawn to dusk all through the night
To You our soul shall cling
We sing for joy beneath the respite
Of Your mighty wing
The enemy will be destroyed
Your power shall prevail
The righteous will be overjoyed

The barren hills will flourish
And Your streams will overflow
Heaven's showers nourish
Every flock and field below
And we will shine and shout for joy
Each hill and tongue proclaim
Exalting praise as we employ

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