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I'll Take the Stars

by Janet Martin

Some folk love Las Vegas, the city of bright lights
With stars to entertain
They say that it's something and oh, what a grand sight
But I'll take a walk in the rain…
Yes, I'll take the fresh country rain

And I'll take the stars in the Heaven's above me
I'll take the stars in the sea
I'll take the stars in the eyes that love me
Oh, it's all waiting for me
And it's all waiting for free

They tell me that Vegas has shows to amaze you
Wonders and talents abound
With music and glitter and glamour to daze you
It's like you're ten feet off the ground
Bedazzled by lights and sound

But I'll take the front porch 'cause it's got the best seat
To the grandest show in town
I'll take it in with my coffee and bare feet
Watching the sun go down
Reflection of Heaven's crown

Don't talk to me about wild nights and big dreams
Or cities that never sleep
Unless you've been awake to see one faithful star beam
Silver on a purple sheet
Dazzling diamond sweet

So I'll take a swing in a secluded grape arbor
Silence except for a breeze
Scented with blossoms and mist from the harbor
Whispers from God through the trees
Down to His child on her knees

I'll take the midnight and its sacred splendor
I'll take the stars overhead
I'll take the whispers of heaven so tender
Yes, I'll take the stars instead
Oh, I'll take the stars instead

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