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What Happened to The Golden Rule?

by Deborah Ann Belka

Once we were all taught,
to follow the Golden Rule
I remember learning about it
way back in grade school.

It was an important lesson,
that each of us knew
and I understood it more
as I matured and grew.

It was easy to remember,
but harder at times to follow
and for some it became
too much for them to swallow.

Treating everyone else,
as they would like to be treated
sometimes made them feel
as if they were being cheated.

For, not everyone believed,
in turning the other cheek
and an eye for an eye
made them seem too meek.

So, instead revenge,
became the new Golden Rule
and that is why today . . .
people can be so very cruel!

Matthew 7:12
King James Version

" Therefore all things whatsoever ye
would that men should do to you, do ye
even so to them: for this is the law
and the prophets."

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