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Autumn's Descent

by Janet Martin

In dusty blues and rustic hues
Her steps at first descend
Then her hand sweeps all the land
As glorious colors blend
And, as we gaze at autumn's blaze
Which sets the world a-fire
It's like a breath of Heaven on earth
To calm us and inspire

The red and gold that we behold
O'er-takes the green and brown
And each hillside so far and wide
Is decked in autumn's gown
The geese that fly across the sky
In spite of autumn's smile
Have felt the call of chilling fall
Within each lofty mile

Man can't use or ever choose
This perfect artistry
Although they've have tried with skillful pride
To paint her pure beauty
For up above a God of love
Is in perfect control
His touch will crown this glorious gown
Which claims all nature's soul

This poem was a finalist in the September 2009 poetry contest

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