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Be Of Good Courage

by Deborah Ann Belka

Be of good courage,
let your heart be exceedingly glad.
God knows the reason,
you are feeling so lonely and sad.

He wants you to have,
a faith that is mighty and strong.
For He is your hope,
when things go terribly wrong.

Be of good courage,
let your mind be at perfect rest.
Have confidence in knowing,
God has for you only the best.

He wants you to live,
in a triumphant victorious way.
He is your strength,
to face the worries of each day.

Be of good courage,
let your soul be glad and rejoice.
God speaks to the heart,
with a calming reassuring voice.

He wants you to see,
that there is nothing to fear.
He wants you to trust,
that He will always be near.

Be of good courage,
live a life that is bold and brave.
Let the Holy Spirit's power,
be all that you desire and crave.

Don't be discouraged,
give your doubt no extra thought.
For Jesus is our eternal hope
so don't you be distraught!

Psalm 31:23-24

"Oh, love the LORD, all you His saints!
For the LORD preserves the faithful,
And fully repays the proud person.
Be of good courage, And He shall
strengthen your heart, All you who hope
in the LORD."

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