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Rust or Dust?

by Deborah Ann Belka

I am saving up for the future
got my treasures stored
I am investing in the day
when I'll meet my Lord.

Though, I may not be rich,
I give to God what I can
and I am always willing
to lend a helping hand.

I don't own a lot of things,
some say that I am nuts . . .
but, to deny worldly pleasures
takes an awful lot of guts.

I'm keeping my life simple,
so little time to spend here
and I'll just bide my time
till His trumpet call I hear.

Rust to rust . . .
material things just decay
but ashes to ashes
means I'll see resurrection day!

Matthew 6:19-20
King James Version

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures
upon earth, where moth and rust doth
corrupt,and where thieves break through
and steal:"

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