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How Precious We Are

by Deborah Ann Belka

Numerous are Your thoughts for me,
I cannot count them all
but, I know they are tender
ever constant and practical.

The notion that You think of me,
more than all the grains of sand
is so hard for me to fathom
let alone to understand.

Your attention never fails,
as my counselor, You are wise
Your thoughts for me outnumber
all the stars in the skies.

I am always on Your mind,
You take such delight in me
Your thoughts I cannot measure
for their deeper than the sea.

Your timing is always perfect,
I'm forever under Your care
You watch out for all my needs
and answer my every prayer.

Your thoughts for me are so many,
I hold them precious and dear
no wonder my thoughts towards You
grow more and more each year!

Psalm 139. 17-18
King James Version

“How precious also are thy thoughts unto
me, O God! how great is the sum of
them! If I should count them, they are
more in number than the sand: when I
awake, I am still with thee.”

This poem was a finalist in the July 2013 poetry contest

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