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Creator Saviour.

by Albert Watson

You spoke the word, it had to be,
For you're the God of creativity.
Before the sun you called forth light,
The Earth then knew both day and night.

Then with a word produced such things
As trees and flowers, birds with wings.
Fish in the sea, cows, butterflies
A myriad creatures there besides.

From the ground formed one like me,
No stringed puppet, but created free.
Free to worship, free to hate,
To ignore, or to you relate.

A rib was taken from his side,
Formed as a helper, a wife, a bride.
A season then of joy and bliss,
Along came one to spoil all this,

A fallen angel with cunning guile,
Did these two in sin embroil.
Hiding, ashamed of nakedness,
Their tragic deed had to confess.

Removed, expelled from garden scene,
And from that day, the world has been.
A place of lies, murder and of war,
We'll do our own thing, God ignore.

Yet you, O Lord, look from above,
A God of mercy, grace and love.
Devised a way to set men free,
Be saved from sin, become family.

Your righteous Son sent to this place,
Hung on the cross, took our disgrace.
He is the Word and He is the Light.
He calls us out, from sins dark night.

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