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Just Let me be There

by Pearl Leona Sturgis

Lord, I'm not asking
for a mansion of gold,
although, a mansion,
You'll give me, You've told.
So many times I have
strayed from the way.
Just let me be there
in Heaven someday.

So many others have
crowns they have won,
working to serve You
as I should have done.
If I have nothing
lay at Your feet...
Just let me rest ...
when my journey's complete.

Though I'm not worthy
of Heaven to see...
I know You died for
a poor wretch like me.
Hold to my hand every
step of the way.
Light up my pathway
to Heaven each day.

Just let me be there
with You in that Land.
Please let me see there
my family and friends.
Lord, let me rest in
the arms of Your love.
Just let me be There
in Heaven above.

This poem was a finalist in the October 2011 poetry contest

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