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Some People

by Deborah Ann Belka

Some people are depressed,
and feel there is no hope
some are discouraged
and find it hard to cope.

Some people are lonely,
and feel that life is unfair
some are all alone,
and have too much to bear.

Some people are lost,
and feel they're out at sea.
Some are just drifting
and floating in their perplexity.

Some people have a purpose,
and feel there is always a way
some people have a plan,
for a brighter, clearer day.

Some people put their trust,
in a God that will overcome
some know He has His reasons
and to His will they succumb.

Some people have no direction,
some can clearly see the path
some people are off course
some know to stir from His wrath.

Some people believe in Jesus,
some never heard His name
some people lives He has saved
some He still needs to claim.

For all the lonely people,
without direction or a plan
turn your life over to Jesus
and let Him do, what only He can!

Deuteronomy 10:12-13, Micah 6:8, and I Corinthians 4:2

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