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Give Me Those Old Gospel Songs

by Deborah Ann Belka

When I hear the music,
of the good old gospel songs
my heart comes alive . . .
and I can't help but sing along.

For their words, hold wisdom
with lyrics full of God's grace
and whenever I sing them
tears roll down my face.

I sing about God's assurance,
how His full glory I will see
and the verses echo soundly
that Jesus came to save me.

I sing about God's peace,
in the midst of a storm
and know all will be well
and I'll be safe and warm.

I sing about Jesus' love,
how to Him I forever belong
and that when I am weak
He is powerfully strong.

I sing about everlasting hope,
the anchor of my lost soul
and how Jesus is my rock
who came to make me whole.

The songs are amazing,
every word is understood
and the choir sings them
just as the angels would!

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