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A Little More....

by Janet Martin

Sometimes I think that I could use
A little more 'this or that'
If I could then I would choose
A wallet plump and fat
A little more energy now and then
Might be a miracle cure
But there's some things I'm lacking and
I know I need for sureā€¦.

A little more loving kindness
A little more tenderness
A little more purposed blindness
For things I cannot fix
I need a little more patience
And treasures stored above
To put it in a nutshell, I guess
I need a little more love

I need a little more compassion
For the weak and faint of heart
A smile is never out of fashion
I guess that's where I should start
I need a little more sugar
To sweeten hasty words
A little more reliance
On Jesus Christ my Lord

A little more grace and mercy
As I desire shown to me
I need a little more gentleness
More generosity
I could use a little more money, oh sure
But it will never replace
A heart that's honest, good and pure
Filled with God's love and grace

Lord, give me what I truly need
A heart that's wholly fixed on Thee

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