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Matters of the Heart

by Janet Martin

You can take a pill or potion
For most anything that ails
There's an ointment or a lotion
When the pill or potion fails
But there's a fortune waiting
For the one who can impart
A cure to heal the aching
In the matters of the heart

No band-aid here can cover
Its raw and bleeding gash
No pharmacist or doctor
Can prescribe a cure for cash
Nothing to heal the utter depth
Of pain these wounds impart
Hope in a bottle cannot soothe
The matters of the heart

No tea to drink, no smelling salts
No herb or bud or leaf
Can heal a torn and broken heart
Or soothe its hidden grief
No surgery, no therapy
Can touch that vital part
Where hopes are born and broken
In the matters of the heart

Ah, there is One who truly knows
The agony you're feeling
And only His great touch bestows
A sweet and tender healing
Hope is found in God alone
He formed each hidden part
And hears each silent inner groan
In matters of the heart

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