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If I Were Eve . . .

by Deborah Ann Belka

Sometime I think if I were Eve,
I would have done something different
other than to be lead astray . . .
by that slimy, slithering, lying serpent.

I would have given it more thought,
about having all that knowledge
for what I know now is not. . .
anything I really want to acknowledge.

I would have given it more reflection,
a garden that was abundantly lush
or one that was filled with smut
crawling in greed, pride and lust.

I really don't like apples,
or fruit of any kind . . .
and I don't think I would have let
Satan enter that day into my mind.

But, I do love vegetables,
chicken, pork and beef . . .
and who knows if I was offered them
if I would have given him any grief.

I guess the moral of my dilemma,
is Satan knows how to tempt you
be it a fruit on a tree . . .
or burger on the barbecue.

So be very careful,
this slimy, slithering, lying snake
will offer you anything . . .
so your soul from Jesus ~ he can shake.

Genesis 3:2
King James Version

"And the woman said unto the serpent, We
may eat of the fruit of the trees of the

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